From the old times we can recall women rulers, such as Messalina, Marie Antoinette, Alexandra Fyodorovna Romanova, whom popular rumor attributed to bathing in luxury, debauchery and ... The ending is always getting tremendous upheaval for the country. But more terrible is the case with daughters. As soon as the spoiled girls reach their peak feminine qualities, the power of their fathers on the wane. If the daughter of the leader in sight, the hand of Providence has displays on the wall of his banquet hall: ...
In the late '70s - early '80s the Soviet people are only discussing what diamonds, debauchery and drunkenness Galina Brezhnev. In the mid - late 90's dramatic role was attributed to Tatyana Dyachenko. Something similar is happening now and in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. Realizing this, the leader of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov had sent his family away from the eyes of his subjects. Murad's son, he sent to live in Europe, and his wife Musa with his daughter Irina - Moscow. And on what do these women, almost nothing is known.
In the house of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmonov - the reverse situation. His eldest daughter of Firouz, for example, owns a chain of boutiques in Dushanbe. But Rakhmonov, as adopted in the East, a large family, seven daughters and two sons. So the attention of enemies, one might say, sprayed. Worst of all with the reputation of the daughters and, therefore, their fathers, with Nazarbayev, Karimov and Akayev. The people of Kazakhstan opposition from the underground and semi-underground and never tires of reminding a very significant role Nazarbayev's eldest daughter Dariga - Chairman of the Board of Directors of a leading TV channel, and the transience of ... But the detonator of the Kyrgyz revolution was not so much the behavior of Aydar, as his sister Bermet, who wishes to become a Member of Parliament must. And now the Kyrgyz talk about Akayev as not the worst rulers, who killed his family.
According to some political analysts, after the turn of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, where obscenely prominent role in business and politics began to play the same age Bermet Akayeva, 32 -year-old eldest daughter Gulnara Karimov. ... - Glide past the waiters dressed as Arab sheiks, carrying cocktails and pipe tobacco rich young Uzbeks, the South Korean businessmen and thick types of Halliburton. The local girls - hair whipped lacquer, heels tall - are fighting for male attention. The fun has just begun ... Periodically, there appears the mistress is a pricey establishment, which properly be called a brothel chic, sleek beauty Gulnara Karimova - the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.
In Tashkent, the capital of a Muslim country has a rule: All places of entertainment are closed at midnight. But for the club, ... It is not difficult to imagine how irritating it is in a poor country where the majority respects strict patriarchal canons of Islam. But the president's daughter, this hatred countrymen do not seem to notice, even though only one of her recent divorce scandalous enough to pass for the East, ... Dew ... ... - I'm not a typical Muslim woman sitting in Tashkent and fears to open his mouth to express his own opinion. I got a good education, I am doing a career ...
Unfortunately for Islam Karimov, both his daughter and eldest Gulnara and Lola, the younger married the second time. Both ended the first marriage in divorce, but divorce Gulnara has led to an international scandal, and this court war which is still in full swing. Her ex- husband - an American businessman Mansur Maqsudi, a native of Afghanistan's Uzbek origin, in a U.S. court has made for himself sole custody of both children shared. But how could Islam Karimov will pay a former son-in- grandchildren, despite the fact that the eldest of them is named in his honor to Islam? . nay. Hardly Maqsudi announced in 2001 its intention to divorce, the law enforcement bodies of Uzbekistan headed by him was found in the local branch of Coca -Cola, a solid tax arrears, which turned a blind eye while he was presidential in-law.
Checked himself overseas beverage to contain drugs (... Nevertheless, Uzbekistan announced an international search, and Mansour, and his brother and their father. Regarding the latter dug up, that he once took a loan from the Soviet government and even ran away with the money to the ... Now, between the former spouses complete stalemate. Gulnara Karimova has become almost not travel abroad: in the U.S. and any country with which America has an agreement on legal assistance, she will be arrested for contempt of the American justice. She will select the children and $ 3, 2 million. as a fine and compensation for procedural costs. But the family of Maqsudi in Uzbekistan awaiting handcuffs and prison. Such is the ...
In general, the beautiful Gulnara terribly unlucky with the men. Following the ex-husband drove a knife into the back of her Inogambaev Farhad, who until recently was her ... In a free economic zone, Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates, Karimov, hardly recovered after a divorce, has established a firm Revi Holdings and appointed Director General of Inogambaeva. Through this it has become an offshore company to create and monitor multi- business empire in his native Uzbekistan. But then between her and Inogambaevym ... A former curator of the financial secrets of the Uzbek princess was a modest consultant to Columbia University in the U.S. and British reporter revealed the ...
It turns out that if the property in a divorce Gulnara irresistible estimated at some millions of thirty dollars U.S., unworthy man of her level, then, according to Inogambaeva ... This allowed Karimova in 2002 to buy in Moscow, recently -built residential complex ... Soon the business lady was worthy jobs: appointed as Minister-Counselor of Uzbekistan in Moscow ( a poor ambassador who became a subordinate independent!), And then married to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
However, most diplomatic work of Gulnara in Moscow did not prevent her from having fun in Tashkent arrivals and her money to bring new money. Karimov, however, angrily denied the allegations: ... - Yes, I have many friends who own restaurants and hotels, but this does not mean that all the wealth belongs to me ...
And yet, even according to Karimova, she owned two businesses: she recently owned a controlling stake in the company ... What is the business of communications in the East is considered one of the most corrupt spheres, since much depends on the state.
However, in the business community of Uzbekistan is well known that the president's eldest daughter, directly or indirectly controls more and more companies. Their sample list is as follows.
- Ferghana oil refinery - put ...
- ...
- SP ...
- Bank ...
- Media group ...
- Glass Factory ...
- Kuvaysky cement factory;.
- Bekabad cement factory;.
- Factory ...
- Night club ...
While the subsidiary company ... Whereas only balances amounted to $ 7,000,000. In 2003, through United International Group (Uning), - another offshore company, registered in the Free Trade Zone Sharjah - Gulnara Karimova has acquired at least 44.5% stake in one of the major industrial projects in Uzbekistan - a cement plant in the city Kuvasay for .
This remarkable woman is able, however, is not only cheap to buy but expensive to sell. In July last year, 74% of the shares of ... , While its net profit amounts to little more than a million dollars a year and the company's debt is hanging in the $ 12 million. If it means the hidden investments in the extension of the Kremlin's political future of the family Karimovs, these investments are at risk as gone, as what was spent on the campaign Yanukovych.
Meanwhile, our competitors, ... In the role of the Uzbek Khodorkovsky made a local entrepreneur, who, above all, the company had to close the cellular ... And last month, the Central Bank revoked the license of Uzbekistan 's largest private bank in the country - ... This bank, which began to promote modern technology in the field of international payment systems, allegedly broke the law.
The scheme of weaning another business is very simple and sleek. For a start against the company organized a series of audits of the competent state bodies - from financial control to the fire inspection. Simultaneously, the owners offered to sell ... In the event of closure of the business will inevitably. His former owners had to flee the country to escape violence.
But Gulnara Karimova away with everything. The Internet is the information that she attempted to deliver contraband to Moscow for a few tons of cargo plane cheap Uzbek gold. Russian customs offense has stopped, but it ...
On the subject:. The daughter of the dictator Karimov's father decried.
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